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ABC 7 - Expo

Strides for Peace to Host Chicago’s Inaugural Gun Violence Prevention Expo

The Reimagine Public Safety Act pushes for 250 million in funding. Organizations like Breakthrough Urban Ministries use the funding (received 700,000) by providing holistic services involving street level intervention and education development.

Suntimes 118

In some Black and Latino neighborhoods, gun violence hits over and over ‘with no mercy’

Paul Vallas believes focusing on the root causes of crime without strategy will lead to failure. Vallas details a 9-part plan that calls for consequences of violent crimes to be harsher and stabilizing numbers in the police force.

Northwestern 116

Chicago community violence intervention program shown to reduce gun violence

Researchers from Northwestern University evaluated outcomes for the Chicago CRED (Create Real Economic Destiny) program and found that those who completed the full program were more than 73% less likely to have an arrest for a violent crime in the two years following enrollment compared to individuals who did not participate.

WGN 1018

$5 million in grants awarded to 8 Cook County domestic violence organizations

COOK COUNTY, Ill. — Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle announced Wednesday that nearly $5 million in grant money has been awarded to eight domestic violence support organizations throughout the county beginning next year.

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