The City of Los Angeles Mayor’s Offi ce of Gang Reduction and Youth Development (GRYD) was established in 2007 to coordinate city-funded gang prevention and intervention programming using a comprehensive strategy. The GRYD Comprehensive Strategy is the foundation for developing and delivering programming in communities most impacted by gang violence (i.e., GRYD Zones). Over the last 12 years, the City’s commitment combined with innovative leadership contributed to GRYD’s growth in size and scope. GRYD currently oversees all of the City’s efforts to curtail gang violence with an annual operating budget of over $30 million. The Office contracts with 25 community-based service providers for the delivery of services in 23 GRYD Zones, and it annually hosts two community engagement programs, Summer Night Lights, in 32 parks across the City of Los Angeles, and Fall Friday Nights. GRYD’s continued investment in data infrastructure now houses anonymous service and outcome data for over 10,000 program participants and over 3,000 violent incidents.

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